• Definitive airway – Tube inside trachea connected to a bag
  • Pelvic Binder – Pelvic fracture
  • Log rolling – Spinal trauma


Circulatory abnormality which causes inadequate organ perfusion.
80 ml/ kg of blood

5 Types of Shock


Type Definition Examples
Hypovolaemic decreased blood volume Haemorrhage, vomiting
Cardiogenic failure of heart to pump blood MI, Arrhythmias
Obstructive reduction of preload Tamponade, Tension pneumothorax
Distributive vasodilataion Anaphylaxis, Sepsis
Endocrine Hypo/hyperthyroidismAdrenal insufficiency

⭕ Features of Each type

⭕ Management of Each Type

Hypovolaemic Shock
4 Classes of Hypovolaemic Shock

  • I. 750 ml (15%)
  • II. 750 – 1500 ml (30%)
  • III. 1500 – 2000 ml (40%)
  • IV. >2000 ml (>40%)

Compartment syndrome

Severe pain out of proportion to the injury.

Signs – Oedema, Pain on passive extension

Fracture ➡️ Pressure within osteofascial compartment >30 mmHg ➡️ Reduced Perfusion (venous) ➡️ Muscle and nerve injury after 6 hrs

Fasciotomy is the management.

Anterior Tibial compartment of leg is mostly affected as it has Type 1 slow twitch fibres which needs O2 for aerobic respiration.