
  • Pre-renal
  • Renal
  • Post-Renal



  • Treating aetiology if possible
  • Slowing down progression
  • Renal replacement Therapy
  • Complications (Ca, K)


1 to 5 based on eGFR


From Kumar and Clarke’s

Hypertension can be the cause or the result of renal disease.
It is often difficult to differentiate between the two on clinical

Cross-transplantation experiments suggest that hypertension
travels with the kidney, in that hypertension will develop
in a normotensive recipient of a kidney genetically programmed
for hypertension. Similarly, patients with ESKD due
to hypertension become normotensive after receiving a renal
allograft from normotensive donors.

Patients with hypertension and normal renal function have a
significantly reduced number of nephrons in each kidney
alongside enlargement of the remaining glomeruli due to
glomerular hyperfiltration.